

SEG supports the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 and aimed at addressing significant economic, social and environmental issues in the global community.

SEG supports the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 and aimed at addressing significant economic, social and environmental issues of the world community.

We are convinced that responsible business conduct and purposeful activity of the company in the field of reducing the negative impact on the environment, supporting local communities, ensuring safe and decent working conditions are a valuable contribution of the company to achieving global goals in the field of sustainable development.

We guarantee that we will comply with the fundamental principles of the Global Compact in the field of human rights, labor relations, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, and also support and share the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN resolution.


UN SDG targets Goals of the Development Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Politicians ESG SEG

Order 7.
Solving the tasks of ensuring the accelerated development of the national economy and high growth rates in 2022-2026 and the implementation of the Program for the transition to a Green Economy: Goal 28 Further increase in export potential: Goal 26 Further improve the investment climate in the country.

Access to energy
Energy efficiency Energy cooperation Energy infrastructure and technology Economic productivity Supporting job creation and SMEs Decent workplace conditions

Goals 22
Continued implementation of the industrial policy aimed at ensuring the stability of the national economy, increasing the share of industry in the gross domestic product and increasing the volume of industrial production by 1.4 times. Ensuring an uninterrupted supply of petroleum products to sectors of the economy and the population.

Resource efficiency
Domestic research and development Green public spaces Sustainable urbanization Transport services, Sustainable urbanization Connectivity of urban and rural areas Environmental impact of cities Integrated disaster risk management.

Order 7.
Programs for the transition to a Green Economy and ensuring energy saving to reduce losses in industries and increase the efficiency of resource use
Goal 79. Prevention of existing environmental problems that harm the health and gene pool of the population.

10 year framework for sustainable consumption and production Sustainable management of natural resources Food loss reduction Chemicals and waste management Prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse Science and the use of new technologies

Assignment 7
Program for the transition to a Green Economy Decree of the President N UP-101 "On regular reforms to create conditions for stable economic growth" p 17. “On the introduction of a special management system in terms of corporate governance”
Goal 71. Implementation The concept of “New Uzbekistan– enlightened society”

Job Skills
Knowledge and skills for sustainable development Creating conditions for youth employment Implementation of a comprehensive system of measures to support young families Human rights and freedom of expression.

Goal 79..
Prevention of environmental problems that are harmful to the health and gene pool of the population
Goal 80.
Protection of ecology and the environment improvement of the ecological state of cities and peoples implementation of the national project "Green Land"

Active participation in solving environmental problems – program “Green Land” annual tree planting. Water use efficiency Desertification and land degradation Genetic resources Mountain ecosystems Inland freshwater ecosystems Ecosystem and biodiversity considerations

Goal 28.
Further increase the export potential of the republic and bring the volume of exports of the republic in 2026 to 30 billion US dollars Goal 24. Reducing the volume of emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere per unit of GDP by sectors of the economy by 10 percent

Climate resilience and adaptability Integrated climate policy and planning Science and technology cooperation Diffusion of environmentally sound technologies Increase in exports