74 студента-первокурсника Самаркандского международного технологического университета (SIUT) получили гранты Председателя Попечительского Совета данного вуза Бахтиёра Фазылова. Из них 71 студент будет учиться на бесплатной основе и 3 студента получили скидки от 25 до 50% на оплату контракта.
SEG Motol, a subsidiary of independent oil and gas major Sanoat Energetika Guruhi (Saneg), today announced the start of production on new international-grade oil products aimed at the construction, mining and agriculture markets.
Fergana refinery is starting industrial production of hydrogen, by transferring its hydrogen production assets to Air Products.
В мире науки и технологий есть специалисты, чья преданность делу и опыт становятся основой выдающихся достижений. Позвольте представить одного из таких сотрудников компании Saneg – Тулкуна Иргашевича Самукова, начальника Центральной Химико-аналитической лаборатории Saneg.
Saneg Oil Italy has started the production and sale of 10 new Saneg motor oils in Italy. Among them are Saneg Premium Dex 0W-20 and 5W-30 synthetic engine oils, approved by General Motors in accordance with the dexos 1 Gen 3 specifications, as well as Saneg Premium C3 5W-40, which meets the requirements of such automakers as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Fiat, Ford, and Porsche.
Sanoat Energetika Guruhi (Saneg), Uzbekistan’s largest privately owned oil and gas company, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the leading Slovak industrial group AZC Orbis Invest and with management of the Gallaarel Special Industrial Zone in the Jizzakh Region. Among other activities, the agreement envisages development of a plant for the production of railway freight cars in the Gallaaral SIZ.