Fergana refinery intends to reduce electricity consumption through green technologies

Fergana refinery intends to reduce electricity consumption through green technologies

Fergana refinery intends to reduce electricity consumption through green technologies


By the end of 2023 at Fergana Oil Refinery (https://www.fnpz.uz/ru/press-tsentr/novosti/694-ferganskij-npz-nameren-snizit-potreblenie-elektroenergii-za-schet-zelenykh-tekhnologij) more than 300 LED street lamps powered by solar conversion panels will be installed to reduce consumed electricity.

This decision was made by the Department of the Chief Power Engineer of the Federal Refinery as a part of the guidelines outlined in the state Program for the transition to a "green" economy and ensuring "green" growth in the Republic of Uzbekistan by 2030.

In particular, the plant intends to increase the use of renewable energy sources and reduce electricity consumption through energy-saving solutions.

At the moment, several LED lamps are installed on the facade of the plant's management building. In the future, such lighting will appear in all production areas of the enterprise.

“Rational use of natural resources is the responsibility of any modern business. The Fergana Oil Refinery is ready to contribute to improving the energy efficiency of production and the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise. Today, the plant has developed a program for the transfer of energy-intensive equipment from day to night operation, which will release at least 3,409 kWh daily for use by the population during periods of peak and semi-peak loads in electric networks. And this is about 680 households,” said Umidjon Sotvordiev, chief power engineer of the enterprise.