GRDC – Saneg Scientific Driver. Figures and Results for Q3 2023

GRDC – Saneg Scientific Driver. Figures and Results for Q3 2023


The scientific and technological partnership between GRDC and Saneg focuses on creating comprehensive solutions for commercial efficiency in mining projects, as well as implementing innovative developments in the oil and gas engineering market.

Thus, during the reporting period, specialists from the Geo Research and Development Company (GRDC) science and technology center reinterpreted 556 geophysical and field studies, developed and built 63 three-dimensional hydrodynamic models of the Saneg fields, carried out 850 geological and technical measures to increase hydrocarbon production, performed more than 140 comprehensive well studies and about 1,500 deep samples of formation fluids.

In addition, the center has developed conceptual proposals to increase field development by drilling shallow wells and incorporating oil recovery boosting methods at three depleted fields in the Fergana region. According to experts, the set of proposed measures will increase the daily production of Saneg twofold - by 1,600 tons by 2033.

Since September 2022, GRDC has been providing project management for four fields in the Kashkadarya region in late stages of development: Western Tashly, Eastern Tashly, Northern Urtabulak and Kruk. During the reporting period, 125 technical geological measures were developed and carried out, resulting in a total increase in oil production of 283 tons per day.

Over the 9 months of 2023, employees of the physico-chemical laboratory completed 2081 studies in various areas, including complex corrosion studies, analyzes of oil, formation water, gas condensate, liquid and gas chromatography, elemental mass spectral analysis. As part of the development of our own line of petrochemicals, 16 tons of corrosion inhibitor of the “GRDC-0421” series and 8 tons of scale deposit inhibitor of the “GRDC-0621” series were produced. The water-oil emulsion demulsifier “GRDC-0521RD” and the asphaltene sediments solvent “GRDC-0721RN” have also been developed, certified and successfully tested in field and laboratory conditions.

«Collaboration with GRDC underscores our commitment to technological advancement and scientific solutions, which is a key factor for achieving goals in the energy sector. Today, the center provides scientific and technological services beyond the local market, conducting projects in Kazakhstan to search for new deposits in border areas, which shows the technical competence of the center and the ability to work effectively at the international level, deepening cooperation within the energy sector», – noted Saneg CEO Tulkin Yusupov.



Geo Research and Development Company is a scientific and technological center providing services in the field of oil and gas engineering since April 2019. It is included in the TOP-10 rating among more than 2,000 project organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the national information system "Shaffof Qurilish".

The Center operates in 10 areas. GRDC staff consists of 320 qualified specialists, including 3 doctors of sciences and 6 PhDs of technical, chemical and geophysical sciences.