Saneg invests in the development of its management staff

Saneg invests in the development of its management staff


The company has launched the "School of Leadership" training program, which consists of 10 modules divided into two blocks: performance management and team management.

The aim of the program is to create unified standards in the field of management in accordance with the best world practices.

The training includes topics such as motivation, competence management, planning, delegation and control, as well as problem analysis and decision-making. Managers will be trained for 10 weeks, having the opportunity to directly apply their knowledge in practice.

The participants of the program are divided into three groups depending on the level of management: "Top Management", "Middle Management" and "Line Management". Each group will receive a personalized course tailored to their role in the organization.

The leading speakers at the trainings are experienced specialists in the field of personnel training and development, such as Egor Romanenko and Ilkhomjon Abduazizov from the Department of personnel training and development of the STC (Samarkand Tourist Center Silk Road Samarkand), as well as Mikhail Klimkin, head of development and training at SEG Enera.

The training is conducted on the basis of Eriell Prof Education in Tashkent, with plans to expand to all regions of the company's presence.

"This training course is an investment in the future of the company. The training is designed for more than 1,000 managers, and we are confident that this will help us form a team of highly qualified professionals who are able to successfully overcome future challenges", -  said Khurshed Khojimetov, Deputy General Director for Personnel and Organizational Development at Saneg.